Wednesday, June 18, 2008

American Foreign Affairs

The terror suspects held in United States jails in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay were badly tortured previously to being released without any charges. This disrespect and belittlement of suspects gives America a bad international view and causes more citizens to lose faith in the Government’s foreign affairs possition. The eleven men that were physically examined for two days had evidence of severe abuse and harassment. These men had not yet even been convicted of any terror crimes and some had been imprisoned for several years and were not the only cases discovered. The White House continues to argue that all the men have been treated humanely even though there is substantial evidence of the torture.

The shocking facts of physical, sexual, and mental abuse give reason for the United States Government to take action. Not only should they admit to the crimes, but they should apologize to the innocent victims. There is no reason a person, American or not, should be treated so terribly while being held in a United States jail. The prisons containing terror suspects should treat them as any U.S. citizen suspect would be treated. To not do so causes America to be as guilty as the people they are hurting. To gain a better image and to maintain the respect of the citizens in America, the men guilty of the torturing should be forced to apologize and be punished. This kind of behavior should not be acceptable coming from the people that represent this country. To deny the facts is irresponsible and will weaken America’s respect in many foreign countries. It is shocking to hear what American people are capable of, and they should be held accountable.

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