Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Obama's Search for Vice-President

Finally the drawn out battle between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama is coming to an end. The article titled “Obama Begins Running-mate search” confirms that there are many rumors that Hillary Clinton will be conceding fairly soon. It explains that “A candidate needs 2,118 delegates to secure the nomination and Mr Obama now has the support of 2,154 delegates. Mrs Clinton has 1,919.” This reveals the outcome as quite obvious. According to the article Mr. Obama is in search for his vice president; therefore, he has formed a team of three people to help him make a decision. The team consists of Caroline Kennedy, former deputy Attorney General Eric Holder and Jim Johnson. It is said that Barack Obama has considered Hillary Clinton as his vice president, and she has confirmed to being “open” to this suggestion. This article is important to read because it reveals the next steps in the presidential election. It is important to know who is ahead, and to be aware of how each decision is being reached. This article introduces the subjects of vice-president, and the winning of the democratic party. These are two very significant issues at this time and people should keep up with it accordingly.

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