Friday, June 13, 2008

U.S and Pakistan

In the article "A Dangerous Place," the author is directing his argument to the american public. He argues that the Bush administration needs to make a plan in aiding Pakistan. The main concern was the recent accidental shooting of twelve Pakistan soldiers. The Bush administration say that there had been a warning of the attack so friendly soldiers could be safe. However, there was obviously some kind of misunderstanding if the killings actually did take place. The arguement is strong because he states facts. One being that America has given $10 billion dollars already to Pakistan, but not much progress is occurring. The author is slightly convinsing; however, seems very one sided. I believe there is more data to be collected on what is actually happening in Pakistan. It just didn´t seem complete. His facts helped his case, but there were not enough. The mistake that happened in Pakistan is unacceptable, and the Bush administration should take full responsibility. There is evidently not enough communication between the two countries. The author believes to make any difference The US must aid Pakistan with structured government plans, economic aid, and a good example. The mistake has weakened an already weak bond. The author believes that there is potential for a good partnership between the two countries which helps the reader agree more readily. Overall the article was mediocre. The author convinced me that there was potential, but I felt there was some excluded information.

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